Our application process is online.
Before starting an application, please check that your charity and project is eligible.
Before starting an application, please check that your charity and project is eligible.
The Arts: Improving Access
The focus will be on performing arts projects – theatre, dance or music – that improve audience access and participation. We won’t consider applications from non-performing arts projects, or projects focussing on performers. We don’t fund salaries for charity staff unless specifically employed for the project concerned.
Refugees and Asylum Seekers
To be eligible, a project must focus exclusively on refugees and/or asylum seekers as its beneficiaries, without extending services to other groups. We don’t fund salaries for charity staff unless specifically employed for the project concerned.
1st - 28th February
Minimum operating income : £100,000.
Minimum operating expenditure: £100,000.
Maximum operating income: £1,000,000.
Maximum operating expenditure:£1,000,000.
This will show you the information that you will need to provide if your charity is eligible to make an application.
Please note that the form will be available only during the relevant Grant Round dates.